The Main Beach Superyacht Marina (MBSM) offers a 6-star white glove amenity in Australia’s leading nautical destination and burgeoning luxury lifestyle precinct. With an array of amenities including a yachting harbour, Ritz-Carlton Hotel and high-end food and beverage and retail precinct, MBSM offers 66 Superyacht berths (up to 73 meters) for lease.
A woRld-class collaboRation of industRy-leading expeRts paRtneRing to cReate a destination of innovative spiRit, dRiving the evolution of Australia’s legendaRy pRime coastline.
Superyacht Marina
A state-of-the-art 66 berth Superyacht Marina (up to 73 meters).
Captains Lounge
A dedicated space for the captain and their crew to reset.
Yacht Service
Enjoy meals or refreshment from the comfort of your vessel.
Luxury 6-star Hotel
Berth holders 25 metre and above get access to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel facilities.
World-Class Wellness Centre
A holistic, modern space that sets the standard for wellness in Australia.
Food & Beverage Precinct
Internationally renowned restauranteurs centred around an open-air piazza.
Be part of one of the greatest luxury destinations in the world.